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Sunday, February 25, 2007

How to choose the right tax software

Tax season just started and with the help of smart and easy-to-use software, millions of Americans will take to their computers this year to prepare their own taxes. Here are some important facts to consider before you buy the right tax software for you.

Two popular programs are Turbo Tax from the makers of Quicken and QuickBooks and H&R Block's Tax Cut.

The bought of the product are easy-to-use for anyone with basic computer skills. Those familiar with accounting programs such as Quicken and Microsoft Money will appreciate the greater control and feature selection Turbo Tax offers.

Maximize your Refund with TurboTax

Basically, all tax software works the same. The least expensive versions of the software are suitable for taxpayers who would file IRS form 1040EZ while the more capable editions are for more complex tax situations such as income from investments, self employment and so on. Also available are online versions which do not require a program to be installed on your computer. Computer software is usually not returnable once it is used, so compare the features of all versions before making a decision and remember, it's better to have more functionality than too little.

Want more out of your online tax preparation? Compare TaxCut Premium + State + E-file to TurboTax® Deluxe.

In addition to price and features, you might want to consider the tax software's suitability with the financial software you are already using. A great time- saving tool to import related information into the tax program rather than typing each item by hand. Your tax software can automatically transfer data from accounting software such as Quicken, QuickBooks or Microsoft Money and financial institutions which may include your bank, your credit card company and your payroll provider. But, if you do end up with two programs that are not compatible, try exporting the data into a TXF file. This is a standard file format that many applications understand.

Once you have an idea which program will work best for you, check to see if you can get it for free. Turbo Tax and Tax Cut are both available through the FreeFile program, which is open to taxpayers with an adjusted gross income of $52,000 or less.

Tax software certainly makes it easy to avoid a trip to the accountant. Still, keep in mind that the final results will only be as accurate as the information you give the program. If you have questions or need help understanding your tax situation, ask a professional. Whether you consult your own accountant or one of the tax experts available from Intuit or H&R block, remember you can do it yourself without going it alone.

New! TurboTax Free Edition - #1 trusted tax software. Prepare, print & e-file your federal return free. Limited Time Offer. Start Now.

Want more out of your online tax preparation? Compare TaxCut Basic Online to TaxACT®

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

QuickTax Business Incorporated Edition

About Software:

Doing taxes for your incorporated business has never been easier. You can prepare your business taxes easy and avoid costly professional fees while maximizing your business deductions. You can file a T2 tax return for your incorporated business - perfect if you submit a separate personal tax return. For businesses with fiscal year-end between Nov. 1, 2006 and Oct. 31, 2007.

What is new in QuickTax for Tax Year 2006:

- Enhanced Business Interview - used simple language and instructions, ensuring you claim every tax advantage for your business
- Changed user interface - is easy-to-use and walks you through your return
- Upgraded help menu - now you can search from a list of tax topics to get the expert help you need - instantly!

How QuickTax can help you:

Maximize deductions from business income

After getting all the help you need you will have your business taxes done right. QuickTax Business Incorporated Edition helps you make better business decisions - save time and money and get back to business sooner. The Business Interview and Deduction Finder guide you to find tax advantages you might otherwise overlook. Get every deduction and tax credit you deserve.

Maximize business deductions

- Industry-specific expenses
- Office expenses
- Travel
- Promotion and advertising costs
- Employee salaries and benefits
- Postage, subscriptions and franchise fees
- Equipment and furniture
- Home office deductions
- Start-up costs
- Vehicle expenses

Easy to use

- QuickTax's EasyStep Interview guides you step-by-step asking questions in simple language and automatically fills out the right forms for you as you answer
- All the calculations are done for you
- No tax jargon or knowledge of government forms required

Have confidence your taxes are done right

- QuickTax alerts you to money-saving deductions you may have overlooked
- The Active Auditor follows your evolution throughout the entire tax return to make sure you are completing your return correctly
- The Auditor reminds you at three key points to correct any errors you may have missed:
- When you enter your information - missing information is clearly highlighted so it's easy to see what you've missed
- In a summary screen - every entry you need to re-check is clearly listed
- When you're ready to print - reminds you of anything that needs to be reviewed

Organize your business finances

- Better understand the impact of your taxes on your business finances
- Just enter your business expenses and QuickTax deducts the correct eligible amount
- Transfer data quickly and easily directly from QuickBooks or Quicken

Who can use Quicktax Business Incorporated 2006:

Practically – everyone, but look at recommended system requirement just in case:

At least 300 MHz Intel Pentium II (or equivalent) with 128 MB of RAM
Minimum System Configuration
166 MHz Intel Pentium (or equivalent) with 64 MB of RAM
Windows 98/98 SE/Me/2000/XP/XP Professional x64
100 MB free hard drive space required, plus approximately 12 MB free hard drive space for Internet Explorer if not already installed
Internet Explorer 6.0 required (provided on CD)! QuickTax Business Incorporated for Tax Year 2005 does run on the new Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 browser
At least 256 color SVGA video
800x600 minimum resolution with small fonts
Windows compatible printer
6x CD-ROM or faster
All online features/services require Internet access with at least a 56 Kbps modem

Quicktax Business Incorporated 2006 may be installed on two computers. It must be activated via Internet or telephone prior to first use.

Best price for Quicktax Business Incorporated 2006 is here!