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Friday, October 06, 2006

Bookkeeper 2007

"Be One Of The Smart People Who Have Discovered The Amazing Value And Rich Feature Set Of This Indispensable Small Business Accounting Software!"

Bookkeeper 2007 - Box
Avanquest Software, a leading developer and publisher of consumer PC software, has announced the release of Bookkeeper 2007, its all-in-one financial management solution for the small office/home office (SOHO) market. With a base price of $29.95, this latest version of Avanquest’s Bookkeeper software is the most robust, inexpensive entry-level accounting software on the market.

With a base price of $29.95, this latest version of Avanquest’s Bookkeeper software is the most robust, low-cost accounting software for Small Business on the market. Designed as an absolute financial management solution, Bookkeeper 2007 empowers small business owners to get rid of the time-consuming pad-and-paper accounting methods that can be annoying and often result in errors. Incorporating a re-designed user interface that provides all pertinent information on one screen, including pending checks and invoices to print, payables due, receivables and bank account balances, Bookkeeper 2007’s new version offers enhancements that allow businesses to:

Easily and quickly record payments of company bills made with credit/debit cards.
• Design and print custom expense and payroll checks.
Avoid product stock depletion with inventory warnings from the program’s invoice screen.
Create invoices and estimates that can be printed or emailed with the PDF export tool.

Helping to take full advantage of efficiency, Bookkeeper 2007enables small businesses to naturally create customizable reports about virtually any aspect of their finances and operations. With over 115 analytical report templates, users can easily track accounts receivables, payables, payroll expenses, quarterly and annual earnings, sales figures and more. Best of all, these reports can be saved and printed for future analysis or comparison with past results. With an instinctive Start-Up Wizard, Bookkeeper 2007lets users painlessly set up their company, product, employee, customer and vendor information fast. Once up-and-running, all main information is available though a searchable, single-screen interface allowing the best possible program navigation. To guarantee users never miss a hit, the handy task manager tool provides alerts for any pending and reoccurring transactions, and can be automatic to display daily "to-do" reminders. To ensure all this important information is secure Bookkeeper 2007is password enabled.

Payroll Accounting

If you have Bookkeeper 2007, you do not need additional payroll accounting software. In addition to meeting the wide-ranging accounting needs of any small businesses, Bookkeeper 2007also includes a number of tools designed to boost efficiency and cut operating costs. Providing incentive to keep payroll processing in house, Bookkeeper 2007 enables employers to cut paychecks on-time for salaried, hourly and contracted employees with a simple click. The software extracts all applicable employee information and compiles it onto a customizable, printable paycheck finally saving the business owner time and money. By purchasing an additional tax table add-on, Bookkeeper can even calculate Federal, Social Security, Medicare and state deductions for each pay period. Employers will also be grateful for Bookkeeper’s flexible payday scheduling capabilities allowing weekly, bi-monthly and monthly payday arrangements. As the end of the fiscal year approaches, the ability to create and print accurate W2 forms will make the transition to a new year easier.

Inventory Accounting

Bookkeeper 2007 has been approved as great inventory accounting software. When you sell items, your inventory is automatically updated each time you generate an invoice. Generate purchase orders and manage your supply inventory; when you order goods, the quantity is automatically added to your inventory. You can control in any time inventory levels of products, goods, and supplies.

Bookkeeper 2007is part of the popular My Software small business productivity line from Avanquest USA, and integrates with Avanquest’s best-of-breed check management solution, Checksoft Premier.

About Avanquest Software

Avanquest Software is a global developer and leading publisher of best-selling personal and professional software designed for utilities, office productivity, communications and mobility worldwide. Avanquest Software products are marketed in over 100 countries, through e-commerce, OEM partnerships and IT resellers. Founded in 1984 as BVRP Software and listed since December 1996 on Euronext (ISIN FR0004026714), Avanquest Software forms part of the Eurolist, NextEconomy segment and SBF 250 index.

Download your Bookkeeper 2007 Accounting Software here

Bookkeeper 2007 ESD - Download

Bookkeeper 2007 Tax Table Updates - Download

Automate Payroll with up-to-date Federal & State tax tables. Update Bookkeeper with the current Federal and State tax rates to process payroll quickly and inexpensively direct from your PC. Bookkeeper 2006 Tax Table Updates cover the remainder of 2005 and all of 2006.


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